In theory, this is an easy one. Reality, however, will attack and you will be faced with the opportunity to run-a-muck. This is where my recommendation is to swiftly walk past the plastic container isle and any displays. Don’t even stop for a second, for if you do you are likely to put a set in your cart.
So here’s the how to. ONLY buy 4 or 5 sizes of plasticwear. This is the number I’ve found that will fit pretty much any leftover or meal prep situation. It’s that easy. You will always have the matching lid and they all stack nicely. It’s when they don’t stack and you lose the matching piece that the organization becomes a free-for-all. Below are the sizes that work for my family.
The reason we have messy plasticware is because of really eye-catching marketing. They trick us into thinking we need the orange and black with pumpkins for Halloween and the snowflakes for the holidays. But the reality is NO. No, we don’t. After that holiday is over you’re stuck with a bunch of random sizes containers with no lids to match.
Buying only 4 or 5 sizes you’ll always have the matching pieces. Even when the kids, husbands and wives reheat spaghetti sauce and the container turns permanently orange, you can throw away the container and keep the lid because you have 7 more containers that it will fit.
I guarantee you, if you can fight off the temptation to put the cute, trendy plasticware in your cart you’ll forget you even wanted it by the time you’re in the next aisle.
Also, I like to buy the cheap Kroger brand (except for the twist lid). I feel like every dollar I save is a dollar towards a cute shirt that I will get a lot more use out of than pretty plastic.
Good luck with your plasticware! If you have any tips of tricks on how to keep an organized kitchen I’d love toher from you!
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